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Web 3.0: In Comparison With Older Generations.

Confused between Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, let’s understand them once and for all. So we all use different kinds of web technologies, for browsing the internet, watching videos on youtube, checking our social media accounts etc. But what if I say, after having an understanding of the topic will help you understand its importance, so next time when you hold your phone you are aware of the background of the things.

Technically to date, two web generations have already existed, but the growth of blockchain has led to the growth of the technology. Various coins like bitcoin, dogecoin, and other cryptocurrencies, in general, have gained a lot of attention. Unless you are living under the rock I doubt you haven’t heard about the blockchain. Blockchain can be defined as a chain of blocks, that is managed by everyone but owned by none. Blockchain runs on the logic of decentalisation, and a contract known as the smart contract is followed to maintain uniformity. So it's time to buckle up, we are about to start.

Web 1.0 (1990–2004)

Web can easily be called anything we do over the internet. Web 1.0 was the first generation of the internet. It was the bare minimum as expected since it was the start. Users can search for anything textual but they were not having the leverage to upload the content so easily unlike nowadays. The user interface was very basic the only purpose was to interconnect the users.

The cost of accessing the internet was quite high. Pages were static, and if compared with nowadays, most of the generation Z wouldn’t even be interested in using that version. Any of us, who were born between 1991 to 2004 has got the golden opportunity to experience web 1.0, do share your experience if you were amongst those lucky ones who got the chance to see the beginning of something incredible which was about to happen. The major dominant browser at this time was Internet Explorer and Netscape, Both of the browsers are non-existent till now, although Microsoft has introduced a better alternative i.e. Microsoft Edge for web 2.0+.

Web 2.0 (2005–2020+)

A greater quote by the founder of Facebook(now known as Meta). The future is private. Since as the name suggests web 2.0 is known as the second generation of the web. Various organisations like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Medium etc. all flourished under the umbrella of web 2.0. It is safe to say that post-2004 the world was operating under web 2.0. Unlike web 1.0 the user was the consumer of the information, but now with data becoming so much important, the end-user became like a product.

Now a lot of personalization based upon the user preference was created, every app we are using is trying to take some kind of information from us. Of course, based upon the things we browse, videos we watch, purchases we make the digital profiles is been created for everyone. Using machine learning and other such technology, we are shown the most curated content. For example, feeds/videos for two-person, either on Facebook, Youtube etc. are slightly different. An advertisement also varies, based upon our online footprint. Web 2.0 has made a lot of innovation, the internet is grown manifold in this duration. We have seen a tremendous growth of machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics and web development of the course. Many new professions like vlogging, blogging and influencers came into existence. Although there was tremendous growth during web 2.0, there were various shortcomings that needs to be solved or even replaced. Privacy has become a myth, everyone is trying to fetch users data. Instead of users being the sole consumer of the internet, they have become a commodity. Even the political parties take advantage of such largely available data of the end-users. The voters were shown the political campaign to play around with their mood and influence them to vote for any particular candidates. So we can proudly say, the way of consuming the internet changes in this time, we were able to survive during this unprecedented Covid. Just think how many of us were able to work from home, just because of the online ecosystem. Let's move a little forward and now understand how web 3.0 will help us solve some of such problems.

Web 3. 0 (2020 + + +)

Web 3.0 is the future and of course the third generation of the internet. The goal behind web 3.0 is to decentralise the power from the big organisation and make it accessible to everyone. The power of the blockchain will be exploited to its full potential.

It would be very unrealistic to say all the problems of users privacy will be solved in one go, of course, that ain't gonna be happening very soon. But the direction is already been taken and we will be able to achieve it. Since all the data will be updated on the blockchain, we will be rewarded with a token, which will have a monetary value. This data cannot be modified or deleted without the content of other users who are mining that blockchain. Although blockchain has various benefits, there is a cost that we have to pay for all of this. Mining is an expensive thing, in which a lot of energy is required to run various servers. So this is causing global warming which is a greater boon for mother earth. Middleman is eliminated with the process as everything will become open-source, with the ownership among those who have the token. If you have done some sort of open source contribution on Github, can relate to the concept. NFT, the non-fungible token is amongst such concepts in which the sole right of the product is given to the end-user in the form of a token. So we are in good condition to say the fact that everything has some cons and pros, we as responsible human beings have to take a call based upon what weight higher. After comparing the pros and cons of everything and coming up with some solution which solved the maximum problem with little cons. DAO (stylized Đ) was a digital decentralized autonomous organization, so it is a virtual organisation powered by blockchain. DAO doesn’t have any central leadership. They are responsible for managing the platform, building the smart contract on which the blockchain network will run. Members of DAO will be participants of the platform, the authority of any participant will depend upon the stacks they would be having. You should research more about decentralisation since it is the future. There is a lot of opportunities which will help you in achieving success. Growth is tremendous, just don’t ignore it as if it is an alien to you. Many of us are already purchasing various cryptocurrencies. If you are the owner of one such coin, do share your view in the comment section. Final thoughts. So finally now you must have understood the difference between all the versions of the web. We can see that the internet has grown a lot with the second generation of the web and hope everything grows manifold along with the third generation. Blockchain power cryptocurrency seems to be the future of the financial market. We will own the authority of everything in the form of a token or NFT. One such instance excites me already that we might not have to purchase the storage from some third-party organisation but we can directly purchase from another end user, which is commonly called as peer to peer communication. The search more about web 3.0 blockchain and other similar technology, there is a large scope to grow with the field.

Originally Posted here.


About The Author

Apoorv Tomar is the Software developer and part of Mindroast. You can connect with him on Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram and Instagram. Subscribe to the newsletter for the latest curated content. Don’t hesitate to say ‘Hi’ on any platform, just stating a reference of where did you find my profile.



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