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Covid 19 | Curated List and References.

Updated: May 3, 2021

Corona-related resources, you need to know.

  1. Website This website can be used to find hospitals, medicine, oxygen-based on your location. Link:

  2. DRDO- DRDO develops SpO2 (Blood Oxygen Saturation) supplemental Oxygen Delivery System which can be used for moderate COVID patients for oxygen flow therapy. Link:

  3. Myth Buster: Myth: You need oxygen if your oxy level falls below 95. Fact: Individuals with oxygen saturation in the range 93-94% do not need to take high flow oxygen just to maintain their saturation at 98-99%.

  4. The website has designed a special webpage for the user to get information related to Oxygen, Ambulance, Testing, Medicines, Meals, etc. Do check them out since they even have the status of the number which they have provided. Link:

  5. WHO website for most common myths and their facts. A must-read for reducing the spread of misinformation.

Date: 25 April 2021

  1. Delhi government has launched an online portal for Oxygen management, where different hospitals, the manufacturer has to update their status every two hours. Hopefully, the problem of oxygen availability will be solved in Delhi soon.

  2. All eligible beneficiaries between 18-45 years can now register on the Co-Win portal, i.e

  3. This is a foundation, who is giving oxygen to a patient until they find a bed. People who are in need of oxygen and not getting the beds can connect with them

  4. For people in the vicinity of Agra, Covid Resources Agra. Download the app, You can get updates regarding Beds, Oxygen, Medicine, Food, helpline on this app.

  5. AGRA: A good Instagram link containing various hospital, oxygen-related information in Agra. Link: Click to open Instagram Guide Link

  6. A website where you can find the latest tweets that can be filtered by your need. You can filter based on location, medicine, hospital, bed, etc. Link:

Date 26 April 2021

  1. 1 mg has launched a health assistant where you ask Covid related Queries. Link: 1 mg Health Assistant

Date 27 April 2021

  1. Jeevan Sewa App, A wonderful initiative by the app, you can book the cab using your phone after registration. As per the news, you can get a free commute from your location to the hospital. The app can be downloaded from the Android play store and Apple Play store. Android play store link: Click to reach

  2. Find related sources using this chat engine. Where you can put in your place and get the relevant information regarding oxygen, vaccine, hospital, etc. Link: Click to reach

  3. A google containing lots of information regarding Plasma donor, Remdesivir, oxygen refill. Link found on Social media. Remdesivir Google sheet Link: Click to reach Oxygen and Plasma donor Google sheet Link: Click to reach

Date: 28 April 2021

  1. A link where you can filter resources like beds, oxygen, hospitals based on your location. Link: Click to reach

  2. As per reports, spice jet airlines has come up with spice health, where they will do RT-PCR and give a report on the same day. Link: Click to reach

Date: 2 May 2021

  1. An Instagram guide made by has good resources clubbed together. Click to reach

  2. A link that we shared earlier for Agra specific has a more general website, it helps in filtering the tweet made based on your specific requirement like getting hospitals, medicines, etc. Click to reach

  3. A link for getting the tweets based on the location and requirements(Oxygen, medicine, plasma, ICU, Beds). Click to reach

  4. As per the new update guidelines, if a covid 19 positive patient if home quarantine, should immediately visit a hospital, if the Oxygen saturation level goes under 93%.

Disclaimer: The resources mentioned is subject to change and may not be verified. Please verify the authenticity before making any financial transaction. Mindroast is trying to help fellow citizens in getting the resources since it is a hard time and we all are here together. Stay safe and wear a mask.


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